.Skyline. compozed by .:[Maverick]:. Official BlackTron MP Production... Style.........3styles? Channels...........32! Duration........10min? Made on.........7/3/96 For..........Buenzli 1 Here my second add to da funky e.trax disk! Thiz track officially competed in the Bunzli Music Compo and ended up on the 5th place .. Personally I think it's one of my best tracks till now. Also I spend very long time to make it.. However, I entirely made it on my old lame SbPro2, and when I played it on my new Gus Max (that was after the compo) I found out that the song sounded much worse on there... I dunno why, but some samps seem to be played to soft, where- as others are 2 loud ! Kinda weird dontcha think? Anyway, you'll get the best out of it on a SbPro2 probably.. Btw: noticed the cewl intro? It keeps remin- ding me of coolio's Gansta Paradise, but actually it's complet- ely different :) (i know i'm weird) Allrighty then, enjoy thiz piece of quality underground ! Oh! btw, as usual: TURN UP DA VOLUME !! Greetz as usual to my best friends here in geneva: Bembi, Robbie, Tomo, Heikki, Hiro, Bianca ... More gtx to SkullRazor, Cynix and the whole BMP, ART and CRUX crew ... Long live blacktron! BLT is now BMP ... got that? MP = Music Productions Call my board RaveBase +41[o]22 348 5521 email me at: vdbilt@dial.eunet.ch Armadon: too bad you left us alone in da dark... anywayz, good luck at Explizit! u'll need it... :] Check out the two .IT songs by Sturm in thiz pack as well!! are you whoppie?